So we did go out on Saturday, found a few bars on 6th Avenue. One we found was $15 to get in but had a 'happy hour' from 10-11 where the drinks were all $1 (normally 7!). So we took advantage of that and propped up the bar for a solid hour so we wouldnt have to pay for any drinks. Somehow I ended up VERY drunk and steve was not too bad at all. I blame the tequila, I can't drink tequila......
So anyway, come 5am we got home. The subway ride was fine. I know people say you shouldnt ride the subway at night but we had learnt the most direct route over the last few days and it was actually still quite busy. We didnt come across any mentals.
On Sunday morning we were woken up by a loud Aussie guy in our dorm. Nice bloke, but doesnt know any room sharing etiquette. When he is up thats it, lights on. Full volume chats. So with a pounding head we got up and out for about 11 am.
Our first stop Monday was central park which is actually awesome! We got to the north west corner which is close to our hostel and walked the entire length down. Its something like 50 blocks (HUGE!) but it was a great place to visit. There are so many people on bikes and running around. Lots of parks as well for kids. We found a nice spot on the grass to lay down and rest our hungover legs. I think we both fell asleep for a bit.
Once we had gotten to the end of the park we made our way to the Empire State building. Visibility was good and the views were really cool. We spent more time q-ing to get up (and down!) but it was definitely worth it. Once we got back home at around 8pm we had planned to go watch some MTV in the TV room in the hostel but we both fell asleep at around 8.30am and didnt wake up till this morn (except for being woken up at around 11pm by the bloody ozzie guy again!). Asshole.
Today we have been to the Statue of Liberty which was good, nice boat ride out to see it. Its actually way way smaller that I expected it to be (about 10 stories high). But still cool to look round. We also went to the 9/11 site and saw ground zero. Difficult to see cos they have put up walls around it but we snuck into the local Burger King and had a look outside the window and you can pretty much see it all. Its a huge wreck area. Kind of makes you realise how crazy it must have been when it all happened.
The downside of the trip so far has been crazy american people! They really do live up to the stereotype most of the time. Most workers in new york are really rude. Wont look at you when they talk and are really short (tempered, not midgets). I had a bad encounter with one in Starbucks today. I went into the bathroom to use the toilet and I must have been in there for around 1-2 minutes. Just done when someone started banging on the door. I expected it to be steve saying weve got to go or something but it was this really angry woman. "You finished yet" in her angry new york accent. So I said yeah ok, and sat down. A few minutes later she came out and shouted across - "Hey you, you know that being a man you gotta lift the toilet seat up to pee right! That was disgusting you pee'd all over the toilet seat". So I explained that it was like that when I got in there and yes I did lift the seat up but that it was still dirty. I couldnt believe how rude she was. We also saw a guy looking really ill and sweaty along what I think was Madison Avenue. He was screaming into his phone about how he was a heroin addict and that he was gonna go kill himself. Crazy stuff. He looked really out of it, so we followed him for a while to see if he would go through with it (only joking!).
Anyway, I think tonight we are gonna go back down to 6th Avenue and visit a comedy club. Only $10 and you get two drinks free apparently so should be pretty good. Tomorrow we are thinking about going to see the Brooklyn bridge and we have tickets to go see a baseball game as well. Probably need to get an early night as well cos we need to get to New Jersey early on Wednesday to meet the Tour Bus for our Trek America trip.
Will try to post again soon, and hopefully have some time to upload some photos.
Take it easy, speak soon.